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Score (pdf) 10,00 €
Please, send email indicating the title of the score purchased ailemcarvajal@gmail. com) Thank you very much!!! |
Score (pdf) 10,00 €
Please, send email indicating the title of the score purchased ailemcarvajal@gmail. com) Thank you very much!!! |
Score (pdf) 10,00 €
Please, send email indicating the title of the score purchased ailemcarvajal@gmail. com) Thank you very much!!! |
Score (pdf) 10,00 €
Please, send email indicating the title of the score purchased ailemcarvajal@gmail. com) Thank you very much!!! |
Cuatro libros ilustrados para la didáctica vocal e instrumental. Dirigido a niños, profesores de piano y directores de coro. De una manera sencilla, moderna y creativa, las interesantes ilustraciones de estas partituras,
inspiran y preparan a los estudiantes, como pianista solista, a 4 manos y como miembro de un coro. Su finalidad es facilitar el aprendizaje y el descubriendo de melodías muy conocidas en latinoamérica por varias generaciones de niños que han crecido y cantado con ellas, en español e italiano y para diferentes formatos. |
Quattro libri illustrati per la didattica vocale e strumentale. Rivolto a bambini, insegnanti di pianoforte e direttori di coro. In modo semplice, moderno e creativo, le interessanti illustrazioni di queste partiture, ispirano e preparano gli studenti, come pianista solista, a 4 mani e come membro di un coro. Il suo scopo è quello di facilitare l'apprendimento e la scoperta di melodie molto conosciute in America Latina da diverse generazioni di bambini, in spagnolo e italiano e per diversi formati.
"Rueda Rueda"
Jacqueline H. Carbonell (pianist) |
"La rana Cucù"
Jacqueline H. Carbonell (pianist) |
"La Lluvia"
Jacqueline H. Carbonell (pianist) |
"La Lluvia"
Children's Choir of the Municipal Theater of Temuco, Chile Ivoshka Tello (choir director) |
Children's Choir of the Municipal Theater of Temuco, Chile Ivoshka Tello (choir director) |
"La rana cucù"
Children's Choir of the Municipal Theater of Temuco, Chile Ivoshka Tello (choir director) |
"Barquito de papel"
Children's Choir of the Municipal Theater of Temuco, Chile Ivoshka Tello (choir director) |
Children's Choir of the Municipal Theater of Temuco, Chile
Ivoshka Tello
(choir director)
Children's Choir of the Municipal Theater of Temuco, Chile
Ivoshka Tello
(choir director)
Bonifico Bancario (IBAN): IT 56 X030 6912 7651 0000 0008 618
Postepay Evolution (Master Card): 5333 1710 1750 7357
Please, send email indicating the title of the score purchased ([email protected])
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Postepay Evolution (Master Card): 5333 1710 1750 7357
Please, send email indicating the title of the score purchased ([email protected])
Thank you very much!!!
Payment SEPA (IBAN): IT 56 X030 6912 7651 0000 0008 618
Please, send email indicating the title of the score purchased ([email protected])
Thank you very much!!!
Please, send email indicating the title of the score purchased ([email protected])
Thank you very much!!!
Please, send email indicating the title of the score purchased ([email protected])
Thank you very much!!!
Please, send email indicating the title of the score purchased ([email protected])
Thank you very much!!!